
Be a Step Ahead of the Hackers

In accordance with OWASP's top API security risks, we build our security solutions to protect your API endpoints from the prying eyes of hackers.

With XecureAPI Gateway, streamline your operations and protect your API services by elevating the overall API ecosystem. Our cutting-edge API Gateway Security solutions fortify the digital landscape and empower businesses with robust security measures through advanced API features.

OWASP API Security and API Gateway

Our Security Features to Protect Your APIs

Safeguard your sensitive data and maintain the trust of your customers with XecureAPI Security features:

  • API Authentication
  • API Authorization
  • Monitoring and Analytics
  • Rate Limiting & Throttling
  • Load Balancing
  • Caching
  • Protocol Translation
  • API Aggregation
  • IP Restriction
  • CORS

What is API Authentication?

API Authentication helps verify the identity of every user trying to access the API. We implement various API Authentication methods to confirm the user's identity. These include:

How is API security ensured using API Authentication?

API security is ensured through the robust API authentication methods mentioned above. These methods secure communication channels by validating user credentials. Additionally, API tokens, associated with user accounts, manage access scopes. Regular security audits, rate limiting, and secure token storage contribute to a comprehensive API gateway security strategy, safeguarding against unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential vulnerabilities.

What is API Authorization?

API authorization helps control the actions of authenticated users by determining whether they have the necessary permissions to access and perform specific actions within an API. We implement various API authorization methods including:

  • Role-Based API Keys
  • OAuth
  • LDAP

How is API security ensured using API Authorization?

API security relies on robust API authorization methods to control access and protect resources. Properly configured permissions ensure users or applications access only the necessary data and functionalities. Regular audits, encryption protocols like HTTPS, and API token management contribute to a secure authorization framework. This provides API Gateway Security and ensures the confidentiality and integrity of API interactions by restricting unauthorized access, and data breaches.

What is monitoring and analytics?

Monitoring and analytics ensure optimal functioning of the APIs and positive user experience by logging, tracking, and analyzing the activities, errors, and events to enhance API performance.

How is API security ensured using Monitoring and Analytics?

API security is reinforced through vigilant Monitoring and Analytics. Continuous monitoring tracks real-time API activities, detecting anomalies and potential threats. Analytics tools analyze patterns, user behavior, and traffic, providing insights to identify and mitigate security risks. Detailed logs and metrics offer visibility into API usage, aiding in the early detection of abnormalities or unauthorized access. This enables rapid response to security incidents, ensuring API Gateway Security while maintaining a robust defense against evolving threats.

What are rate limiting and throttling?

Rate limiting and throttling help maintain the overall API performance and ensure fair usability by handling the server's request processing rate, which involves implementing delays for excess requests. Also, prevents attacks by limiting the number of requests and actions a user can make to an API.

How is API security ensured using Rate Limiting and Throttling?

API security is strengthened through Rate Limiting and Throttling mechanisms. Rate Limiting sets predefined request rates, preventing abuse and unauthorized access. Throttling regulates traffic flow, ensuring a steady and manageable pace. By limiting the number of requests within specific timeframes, Rate Limiting and Throttling mitigate the risk of API abuse, enhance performance, and provide a resilient defense against malicious activities while maintaining a consistent and reliable API service.

What is load balancing?

Load balancing helps optimize resource utilization and enhance API availability by distributing incoming requests across multiple servers.

How is API security ensured using Load Balancing?

API security is enhanced through Load Balancing, distributing incoming API requests across multiple servers to optimize performance and prevent overload. Load Balancers monitor server health, redirecting traffic away from compromised servers. By maintaining a balanced workload, Load Balancing contributes to a resilient and secure API infrastructure, ensuring uninterrupted service and safeguarding against performance bottlenecks and security threats.

What is caching?

Caching reduces the server load to improve the API Gateway's efficiency by caching frequent requests and reusing their responses.

How is API performance ensured using Caching?

API performance is fortified through Caching, a mechanism that stores frequently requested API responses. Caching enhances performance by reducing response times and server loads while minimizing the risk of service interruptions. Security benefits include mitigation of DDoS attacks by serving cached content, decreasing the exposure of sensitive data, and limiting access to backend systems. However, sensitive data caching must be approached carefully to avoid privacy issues. By balancing performance gains with security considerations, caching contributes to a robust API infrastructure that delivers both efficiency and protection against potential threats.

What is protocol translation?

Protocol transformation facilitates seamless and secure communication between systems by translating communication protocols and data from one format to another.

How is API security ensured using Protocol translation?

API security is upheld through Protocol Translation, a method that converts data between different communication protocols. This ensures compatibility and security when integrating diverse systems. By translating information into a standardized format, protocol translation mitigates vulnerabilities associated with incompatible protocols. Ensuring seamless and secure data exchange, Protocol Transformation contributes to a resilient API ecosystem by bridging the gap between varied systems while maintaining data integrity and confidentiality.

What is API Aggregation?

API aggregation helps provide a single entry point for users to interact with diverse services and enhance the user experience by combining functionalities from multiple APIs into a unified API

How is API performance ensured using API Aggregation?

API performance is maintained through API Aggregation, consolidating data from multiple APIs into a unified interface. This reduces the attack surface and enhances security by limiting direct access to individual APIs. API Aggregation centralizes authentication and authorization processes, ensuring consistent security measures. It also simplifies monitoring and auditing. By presenting a unified front to external users or applications, API Aggregation streamlines security management, reduces complexity, and fortifies against potential vulnerabilities, contributing to a secure and cohesive API ecosystem.

What is IP Restriction?

IP restriction enhances API security and restricts unauthorized access to sensitive or critical APIs by allowing or denying requests based on the IP addresses of the clients or users.

How is API security ensured using IP Restriction?

API security employs IP Restriction to control and enhance access. This method involves specifying a range of allowed IP addresses that can interact with the API. Restricting access to known and authorized IPs prevents unauthorized usage and protects against malicious activities. IP Restriction adds a layer of security by allowing only trusted sources to communicate with the API, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and potential security threats. Regularly updating and monitoring IP restrictions ensures a secure API environment.

What is CORS?

CORS helps manage and regulate cross-origin HTTP requests made by web applications by defining which domains are allowed to access the resources and how different cross-origin requests should be handled.

How is API security ensured using CORS?

API security utilizes CORS to control access from web browsers. CORS defines policies that dictate which domains are allowed to make requests to the API. By enforcing these policies, CORS mitigates the risk of cross-origin attacks and unauthorized access. It adds a layer of security by specifying which origins are permitted, preventing malicious websites from making unauthorized requests. Implementing CORS policies ensures secure interactions between web applications and APIs, protecting against potential security vulnerabilities.

Protect Your Application/Services With XecureAPI Gateway in Just 3 Steps


    Log In

 Log in to the XecureAPI Dashboard.



 Configure Services and Map Route.


    Apply Policies

 Apply policies as per your requirement and go live.

secure your apis with just three simple steps

API Security is Not a One-Time Effort But an Ongoing Commitment!

Take your business to the next level with our robust API Gateway Solutions and API Security Solutions. Together, we can ensure that your APIs remain a secure and reliable gateway for your digital operations, fostering trust, compliance, and growth in an ever-evolving digital landscape. We look forward to assisting you on your journey to a more secure future!

What Sets XecureAPI Gateway Apart When it Comes to API Security?

Safeguard your sensitive data and maintain the trust of your customers with XecureAPI Security features:

Less Downtime

Say goodbye to downtime frustrations! We ensure easy configuration and provide rapid server adaptation to the new configuration providing minimal downtime and an impeccable transition to the updated environment.

Intuitive Dashboard

Be a technical or a non-technical user, our API dashboard is easy to use with every functionality defined clearly.

Free Trial

It's important to know the product before buying it. Thus, we offer a trial of the complete solution so that you can use it exactly how you would after purchasing it.

Extensive Setup Guides

We value your time and efforts. Hence, we provide easy and precise step-by-step instructional videos and setup guides to help you configure the API Gateway within minutes.

Customizable Solutions

We do not follow the one size fits all approach. Every business is different and hence their needs. If you require any customizations in the API Gateway, we offer custom-built solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients and organizations.

24*7 Active Support

Issues don't follow a clock to arise and we understand that. We have a dedicated support team at your disposal, 24*7. Get instant help or have debugging sessions with our engineers to take a look at any issues you may face.

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Learn More About Our API Gateway and Security Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is API Security?

What is the importance of API Security?

What are the different security risks and attacks associated with APIs?

What are the different approaches and solutions for improving API security?

What is the XecureAPI gateway?

What are the key measures to protect my APIs?

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